EE417/617 Introduction to Optimization
Class schedule
Monday 10:30 - 11:20, MSB 307 (the web meeting if remote)
Wednesday 10:30 - 11:20, MSB 307 (the web meeting if remote)
Friday 10:30 - 11:20, MSB 307 (the web meeting if remote)
Office hours: by appointment or after class
Assignments (from the Textbook)
Problem set 1: Exercises 2.6, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 7.2
Problem set 2: Exercises 2.13, 2.14, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6
Problem set 3: Exercises 7.8, 7.10, 11.6, 11.20
Problem set 4: Exercises 3.4, 3.11, 11.4, 11.7, 11.12
Midterm: problem set
Problem set 5: Exercises 4.6, 4.7, 5.4, 8.3, 8.9
Problem set 6: Exercises 12.2, 12.3, 14.1, 14.2
Final: problem set
Additional materials